Emergency Response

In the event of an emergency:

  1. Contact local emergency services (police, fire, EMS) via 911, as appropriate. In an emergent situation, 911 should be your first call.
  2. Call your predetermined U-M departmental contact. In an emergency situation, do not email your U-M contact.
  3. If you are unable to connect with your departmental contact, the U-M Division of Public Safety and Security (DPSS) can also provide assistance 24/7 by calling +1 734-763-1131. Let the DPSS Communications Center know that you are a University student, staff, or faculty member who is engaging off-campus.

If you experience sexual or gender-based misconduct while traveling or at your engagement site, you can also call the Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center‘s (SAPAC) 24/7 hotline for confidential consultation, advocacy, and support at +1 734-936-3333.

When in doubt, treat health, safety, and security situations as an emergency and follow emergency protocols.

In the event of a non-emergency situation that does not immediately impact your health and safety but still requires assistance, follow the non-emergency protocols at your engagement site or of your sponsoring U-M department, which may include contact via email or calling during business hours.