In the News

  1. En Nuestra Lengua: Spanish school teaches language, creates community

    Ambitious education initiative seeks to close achievement gap and increase cultural awareness, bilingualism by offering free elementary curriculum in Spanish.

  2. New map offers snapshot of poverty, well-being in Michigan

    U-M initiative synthesizes data to provide accessible, insightful information about poverty in Michigan to better educate policymakers and the public.

  3. Coalition seeks to increase transparency on life science career prospects

    Nine U.S. research universities and a major cancer institute today announced plans to give would-be life scientists clear, standardized data on graduate school admissions, education and training opportunities, and career…

  4. Diving into Science Diplomacy

    Graduate student and LSI researcher Amy Fraley usually uses her SCUBA gear to explore shipwrecks in the Great Lakes. But she recently swapped her cold-water dive suit for tropical gear…

  5. Beyond competitions and prizes, successful student innovations continue to evolve

    From an app for facilitating end-of-life conversations, to creation of sustainable animal feed to a lactation simulation model to help new moms with breastfeeding, University of Michigan student entrepreneurs have…

  6. ‘Sensors in a Shoebox’ empower citizens to gather data about communities

    Civil engineering and education researchers combined their teams with Detroit adolescents to gather data about how community members use the riverfront.

  7. World Aids Day: Focusing on HIV education in low-literate communities

    “Women’s health cannot be addressed without working with women and to conscientize them to not be silent about gender injustice,” says Nesha Haniff.

  8. U-M Public Health students assist CDC in U.S. Virgin Islands post-hurricane needs assessment

    Students at the University of Michigan School of Public Health watched along with the rest of the world as Hurricanes Maria and Irma devastated the Caribbean this fall. In November,…

  9. New Qualcomm Thinkabit Lab opens at Michigan Engineering Zone

    Detroit-area middle school students will have access to STEM engagement opportunities More than 3,000 middle school students a year will be introduced to careers in science, technology, engineering and math…