Ecovia Renewables has shown that its biodegradable material can compete with conventional disposable diaper absorbency in the lab, and it’s working with manufacturers to put the material into prototype diapers and other hygiene products.
October 2, 2018
From ponds to power: $2M to perfect algae as diesel fuel
With $2 million from the U.S. Department of Energy, University of Michigan researchers aim to make the long-touted promise of algae as a biofuel source for diesel engines into a reality.
October 1, 2018
U-M program opens doors for young job-seekers
Summer18 is a partnership among the University of Michigan, Michigan Works! Southeast and Washtenaw County.
September 28, 2018
Artists to ‘pave’ Ann Arbor’s Liberty Street with 10,000 illuminated books with help of U-M, community
The U-M Institute for the Humanities has invited Luzinterruptus, an anonymous art collective based in Spain, to engage with the community and create a large-scale, illuminated book installation titled “Literature vs. Traffic.”
September 27, 2018
$1.8M for ‘active learning,’ a step toward broader change in higher education
The University of Michigan is the lead for a new NSF funded, multi-institutional project that aims to dispel professors’ fears and give them tools to implement active learning in their classrooms.
September 27, 2018
This urban farm is on path to sustainability
Akoaki, a design studio in Detroit, has been working with the Oakland Avenue Urban Farm for nearly four years to develop a vision and “guiding plan” to make it self-sufficient and sustainable. Plans for the farm’s future include a new focus on cash crops, an orchard, a store with an events and job-training space, an outdoor performance area, rentable space for visitors, and an international design library.
September 24, 2018
Customizing community libraries: U-M, Michigan cities engaging residents in creative ways
Making in Michigan Libraries is a project that pairs rural librarians with the University of Michigan’s School of Information, taking libraries and making them into places to create, get active, connect with the community and learn in different ways.
September 19, 2018
Unique online course aims to prepare students, others for work with communities
Experts from eight units across the university and a group of 15 students teamed up to create the Community Engagement: Collaborating for Change massive open online course (MOOC).
September 18, 2018
Community greening efforts help reduce violent crime
Efforts to beautify vacant lots in the city of Flint have made neighborhoods more appealing but have also reduced assaults and violent crime by 40 percent, according to a new study by University of Michigan.