The Title VI National Resource Centers for Middle Eastern and North African Studies and for Southeast Asian Studies at the University of Michigan (U-M) work closely each year to organize the MENA-SEA Teacher Program, a special outreach initiative for Michigan secondary schools.
June 18, 2020
The UM-Dearborn ‘Maker Lab’ staff are making 3D-printed PPE from home
ECE Senior Electronics Technician Jesse Cross and MSEL Assistant Director Shawn Simone both have their assigned 50-pound MakerBot Replicator 3D printers running on their kitchen tables. In his cozy 900-square-foot house, Senior Engineering Technician Matt Brown figured out the basement was the best place to muffle the printer’s regular “beeps and boops.”
June 17, 2020
Engineering course challenges students to create tech solutions for COVID-19
Stefany Escobedo is considered an essential worker at Michigan Medicine where she helps keep technology humming as part of the Health Information & Technology Services team. Before COVID-19, she also was a hospital volunteer who was told she can’t serve during the crisis. She looks at her team’s store occupancy app as a different way to give back.
June 17, 2020
K-12 online learning platform from U-Michigan sees dramatic rise in use
Like thousands of K-12 Michigan teachers, Wendy Skinner wasn’t sure where to turn when the Michigan Department of Education released its “Learning at a Distance” guideline in early April, requiring teachers to help students maintain and continue learning outside the classroom during the COVID-19 crisis.
June 11, 2020
COVID-19 can’t stop community engaged learning
How do high-touch, hands-on engagement programs continue to connect students with community organizations in a time of COVID-19? They find other creative ways to continue to serve and offer programming, say leaders of University of Michigan organizations that semester in and semester out connect students with groups that need help, while providing students with important learning experiences.
June 9, 2020
optiMize funds COVID-19 Community Aid Efforts
A student-led incubator at the University of Michigan, optiMize, launched a $25,000 Community Aid Relief Fund recently in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The relief fund aims to provide mutual aid and community-based projects in Washtenaw county who have student leaders.
June 9, 2020
Taubman College Team Reflects on HUD Final Four
A team of Taubman College students recently competed in the “Final Four” of the 2020 HUD Innovation in Affordable Housing student competition.
June 4, 2020
Nursing alumni build nationwide network to bring face shields to the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic
Weeks ago, as the COVID-19 pandemic began to take hold in Michigan, Becky Cherney (BSN ’12) went to the grocery store and saw customers crowding the aisles while employees worked without masks or protective gear.
June 3, 2020
Web app, dashboard from U-M to inform Michiganders’ return to work
University of Michigan faculty, staff, alumni and students have developed online tools designed to help local and state officials reopen the economy safely and gradually while allowing them to quickly identify and respond to potential coronavirus hot spots and outbreaks.