Strategy and Past Experience Helped this Team Stay Focused to Win the Crisis Challenge

This blog was written about an event that took place in February 2020, before the widespread outbreak of COVID-19 in the U.S.

On a (less than typical) Thursday night, we walked into the Blau Colloquium at the Ross School of Business. We found a row of chairs that matched the number we were handed at check-in to meet a group of individuals we would spend the next 24 hours with — facing what felt like a very real corporate crisis.

The Leadership Crisis Challenge, organized by the Sanger Leadership Center, provided our team with an excellent opportunity to step outside of our daily comfort zones, and challenge ourselves in a stressful but low-stakes environment where it was safe to take on new roles because the consequence of failure was (admittedly) much lower than it felt. 

Read the full story here.

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